Friday, February 16, 2007

Snowflakes and Sunshine

Yesterday when I came out of the grocery store, huge snowflakes were coming down and the sun had just come out from behind a cloud and was shining brightly. It was a beautiful sight! I wished I had my camera! When will I learn to carry it with me all the time (I vow to from now on!).

By the time I got home, the sun had slipped behind the clouds and the snowflakes had become smaller, but, I decided to pick up my camera and drive out to a local pond and try to get some pictures anyway. We had some snow on the ground from the night before, and because it was so cold I suspected the pond had ice on it. I was hoping to get some pictures with the sun out and snow falling. I wasn’t able to, but I did get a few nice pictures of the pond. It's hard to see the snow in these pictures, but it was still snowing.

The geese and ducks didn’t seem to mind the ice at all.

They did seem to expect me to feed them though. :)

I love God’s glorious creation. I like to be outside or even just looking out of a window if I’m not able to be out there. There is always something amazing to see. The birds, the trees, the clouds, the moon, the stars…it’s all fascinating to me. I enjoy taking pictures of God’s glorious creation too.

Snowflakes and Sunshine at the same time. That was a first for me, and a real treat for me. God is so amazing.

Sunday, January 21, 2007

Ahh...I Can Breathe!

Today I woke up feeling better than I have in days! I have had an awful cold, and I was beginning to wonder if I was ever going to feel better. Now, I knew I would, but it just didn't seem like it was happening fast enough for me. I was doing all the things that were supposed to help when you have a cold. Drinking lots of water, eating chicken soup, getting as much rest as I could, even though there's so much else I need to be doing.

Despite doing all those things, each day I got up feeling worse than I did the day before. My nose became more stopped up. I felt like I couldn't breathe. I had a cough that didn't want to quit. I whined: all these things that are supposed to help, aren't helping! I feel worse! None of that really works, why bother! But, I know from experience, these things do work. It just takes time. And, this morning I woke up feeling so much better! I'm glad I continued to drink water, even when I didn't feel like. Eat chicken soup, even when I was tired of it. Rest, even when I didn't want to.

All of this reminds me of my walk with the Lord. When a tough situation arises in my life, I can begin to think the Lord isn't working in my life. Even though I'm doing all the things I should, reading my bible, praying, going to Sunday School and Church. I can begin to think, why bother with all of that Lord, it's not working. Things aren't going the way I think they should go. But, once again, I know from experience, if I continue to draw near to God, He will drawn near to me. That doesn't mean all my problems will disappear, but I do know that God is working all things out for my good, even if I can't see it right now. He is my hope and my strength.